A Cast for Recovery

Last year I had the unique opportunity to be a part of Casting for Recovery and their efforts to help breast cancer survivors. Spooner had originally be kind enough to include me and this year, while they didn’t need my help, Scott again volunteered for a day on the North Fork Ranch. Scott and the other volunteers guided their clients for a few hours on the ranch helping many of them catch their first fish on a fly rod.

Scott Spooner and CFR
Spooner and his Client

The weekend begins with various sessions on the basics of fly-fishing, knots, techniques, patterns etc. The ladies then begin to hone their skills on the water, with casting instruction as well as continued education on the fine arts of trout fishing. By Sunday they are ready and excited to catch their first fish, and that is where the volunteer guides come into play.

Being a part of these women’s lives for a few hours was one of the most powerful experiences I have ever had. I couldn’t recommend this enough to others who might have some free time to donate to this cause. If guiding isn’t your thing, then they always accept donated flies to use during their retreat weekends as well as old gear and other fly fishing accessories to help share the joy of our sport.

If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information regarding Casting for Recovery please visit their website or if you are in/around Denver shoot me an email and I can give you the area coordinator contact information.

Casting for Recovery Participants
Casting for Recovery Participants

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