I have found a solution to all netting problems. No longer will i be bound to some sort of aquarium net solution devised by men who chase fingerling rainbows in Massachusetts. Sold exclusively by Bass Pro this net has the following attributes.
1. Its cheap. For less than $30 you get a net better than others 4 times its price.
2. Its rubber, none of that cloth stuff that is both antiquated and a general liability.
3. Chicks dig it.
4. Looks awesome.
5. Makes everyone aware you go for catch gigantic fish (see #4).
With 34” of handle reach be prepared to stay warm and dry on those cold winter days. No more “scoops” that make you feel like a drowned rat afterwards. The telescoping handle also slims down so that you can fit it in your waist-pack.
Also, if your friend sucks at netting, buy him one of these. If you miss with one of these bad boys with a net opening that measures 20”x22” and a depth of 18” you should try another recreational hobby. Get em’ while they’re hot.
Truly a great site and a great story. Of course you would know something about dirtbags: One of the finest raised you!