Fly Tying

Tying Desk
Tyler, Cody, and Scott

With my fishing season over and knowing that I have a few months of wicked ski traffic to deal with here in Colorado a couple of friends and I got together to reminisce of warmer days, hash out some fishing plans for the spring, and tie flies. I worked on a truck load of midges because I’m not very good at much else while others among us (ahem, Scott Spooner) tied copper johns until even I was nauseated. I guess I just don’t have the patience for that many steps, thread and ribbing seem to suit me very well. I also have Midge Man as an inspiration to keep me thinking of new patterns and copy some of most of his stuff.

Tyler was trying out some more of Herman DeGala’s patterns and inventing the next greatest baetis imitation (don’t worry pheasant tail, you’re still my favorite). While Cody is more in line with me, he likes really easy stuff like worms and so we got along well as we sat feeding the other guys beers waiting for them to use the bathroom so we could take a few of their stash home with us.

Some of My Production
Some of My Production

At the end of the evening I can happily say that I now have grip loads of new flies that I don’t have room for and that I probably will never use but hey, they look cool and with all the different colors it might make a nice mantle piece someday.


  1. david

    Nicely done Nate O’. I was bummed that I couldn’t join you guys for the tying(sausage) party. I hope I will get an invitation for the next one. I’ve been hitting the vice very hard myself, wait till’ you see my new streamer boxes…….just ridiculous!

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